Anyone care to guess whom I chose?
Deadra the Sorceress, it is!
Impressions: Seeing the stills of this game --DO NOT-- do it justice! It is absolutely one of the most GORGEOUS games I've ever had the good fortune to play!
I --LOVE-- the almost "Choose your Own Adventure" vibe it has going on! Brings back sooo many childhood memories!! :D
I also love how it isn't a... Stage One. Fight from Left to Right. Complete Stage. Stage Two. Fight from Left to Right. Complete Stage. Stage 3... type of game! You have a Guild. You accept Quests, and of course there are Main Quest(s) that advance the storyline!
You choose what quests you want to do. In the stages, you come across Adventurers to resurrect, Treasures to collect, Glints of Light to Uncover Hidden Objects in the Background. It TRULY is the Crowning Achievement of this Genre!
I love how Customizable each character is, that you have Class Skills you can Earn and Learn or Common Skills you can equip, too. Everyone's characters can be completely different! From the Skills to the Equipped Items to the Weapons, etc, etc, You have TONS of options to Build your Preferred character!
I --HAVE TO-- say: The animations people have been getting so up in arms about go by SOOO quickly in the choas of the game, you --REALLY-- have to be obsessively LOOKING for them to notice and nit-pick so much about them! This game is no more gratuitous than any other Japanese game... Mini-Games where you control a Pointer Finger and Touch bound women? Yeah. No. Haven't seen anything like that yet. Someone's either LYING or taking a STILL PICTURE out of context and fabricating stories!
More to come later!
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